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Thursday 27 August 2015

CPHQ Exam Question No 20

Question No 20:

What is non probability purpose sampling?

A particular group or groups based on certain criteria. Is subjective.

Thursday 20 August 2015

CPHQ Exam Question No 19

Question No 19:

Underused is evidence by the fact that many scientifically sound practices are not used as often they should be, For example, biannual mammography screening in woman ages 40 to 69 has been proven beneficial and yet is performed less than 75 percent of the time.” This is the categorization of?

La of professionalism in Medical field
La of care
Healthcare practice

Answer: A

Sunday 16 August 2015

Magnet program directors guide nursing team members through extensive process

Magnet program directors guide nursing team members through extensive process:

Magnet gain recognition from the American Nurses Credentialing Center is a great achievement for a hospital and demonstrates excellence in nursing standards and high innovations in professional practice. The directors of the magnet programs play a key role in facilities shepherd through the process and keep them on track for continued accreditation.
"It is challenging and rewarding, and will help to change the culture of the organization during and after the trip," said Maggie Adler, MSN, RN-BC, magnet program director and associate director of standards and quality at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Valley / Cortlandt in Hudson, New York "makes you feel good that you took part in helping the organization achieve the best quality of care and service to patients."
ANCC requires each agency to designate a program director magnet, which serves as a contact person for communication with the center, said Janice W. Moran, MPA, BSN, RN, chief operating officer of ANCC Magnet. Program managers can discuss issues with analysts AN CC. Directors also serve in other positions in the hospital and forced to attend and have a good relationship with the NOC.
He is someone who understands and works in the profession.
It is a big job. "

Wednesday 12 August 2015

CPHQ Exam Question No 18

Question No 18:

The Seven Pillars of Quality?
  • Efficacy
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Acceptability
  • Optimality
  • Equity
  • Legitimacy

Sunday 9 August 2015

Local rehab hospital earns Gold Seal of Approval

Local rehab hospital earns Gold Seal of Approval:

The Rehabilitation Hospital of Southwest Virginia has been certified to care for the specific disease in stroke rehabilitation. Gold Seal Joint Commission Approva went to the hospital to comply with national standards organization for the quality and safety of health care for stroke rehabilitation.

"By choosing to have The Joint Commission evaluate our racing program, we make a significant investment in the quality of patient care. The Joint Commission certification provides a framework for our hospital to the next level and helps create a culture of excellence "said Georgeanne Cole, executive director of the Rehabilitation Hospital of Southwest Virginia." This is an important step towards continuous improvement of care we provide to patients and provide peace of mind knowing they are receiving quality care at the highest level in the industry. "

To obtain certification, the Rehabilitation Hospital of Southwest Virginia has undergone a rigorous on-site inspection on June 6, 2015. A surveyor with experience in the care of patients with neurological problems of the Joint Committee shall evaluate the hospital program stroke rehabilitation by the compliance of specific attention to the needs of patients and their families, including the provision and quality of care, medical personnel, leadership and medication management.

"By obtaining certification from the Joint Commission, the Rehabilitation Hospital of Southwest Virginia has demonstrated its commitment at the highest level of care to patients who have suffered a stroke," says Jean Range, MS, RN, CPHQ, Executive Director of Certification specific disease care, the Joint Commission. "Certification is a voluntary process and I commend them to successfully undertake this challenge to raise their level of care and confidence in the community it serves."

Studies indicate that 60 percent of stroke survivors can benefit from a complete rehabilitation. Eighty percent of patients receiving this level of therapy return to their homes, jobs, schools or active retirement, according to the rehabilitation of the national caucus. The recognition by the Joint Commission of Hospital Rehabilitation continuous stroke care southwest Virginia

Thursday 6 August 2015

CPHQ Exam Question No 17

Question No 17:

Communication: Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)?

CQI emphasizes the organization, systems and processes within a medical institution, rather than individuals.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Begin Your NAHQ Volunteer Journey

Begin Your NAHQ Volunteer Journey:

Join the ranks of volunteers NAHQ! NAHQ success is due in large part to its volunteers, and here's your chance to be part of this success. As a volunteer, you will have a unique opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills and forge new relationships.

Learn more about becoming a volunteer visiting a volunteer board. Send your name and CV or resume for volunteer work, 30 July 2015. Appointments for service in 2016 will be made this fall.